المؤتمر العالمي السادس لجمعية محاضري القانون البيئي في جامعات الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا

Welcome to the 6th Scientific Conference of the Association of Environmental Law Lecturers in Middle East and North Africa Universities

The organizers

Arab East College of Law, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Association of Environmental Law Lecturers in Middle East and North Africa Universities (ASSELLMU


Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Dar Sader Legal Publishing House


UNESCO Chair in Environmental Law and Sustainable Development, Hamad Bin Khalifa University.

Middle East and North Africa Rule of Law Program, Konrad Adenauer Foundation

African Union

Dr. Fahad Al-Rifai & Partners Law Firm

Water and International Environmental Law

Key multilateral environmental agreements whose effective implementation can accelerate water security in the MENA region


Sustainable Development Goals

The Role of Environmental Law Education, Research Institutes and Academic Chairs in Promoting Water Security in the MENA Region

The conference covers the legal aspects (national, regional and international) of four main topics:

Local and regional approach

Latest developments in the adoption of ESG standards and multi-stakeholder approaches across the region

Practical application

Current capacity development gaps and needs of environment ministries and environmental law agencies, and how they can be met



Research and work team

Accredited College


In your care

Roundtable discussions

Chair: Dr. Pedi Oban Associate Professor, University of Bradford, UK

Dr. Issa Hamadin The pivotal role of the West Asia region
Dr. Abdul Jabbar Araash Faculty of Law and Political Science, Hassan I University, Settat/Morocco “Analysis of gaps in the legal framework of water in Morocco”
Mohsen Abdollahi: Associate Professor of International and Environmental Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran – “Protection of Ecosystems of International Watercourses and Water Security in the Middle East and North Africa Region”
Dr. Tamara Boro Lebanese University, “Climate Change, Marine Pollution and Desertification”.
Dr. Ali Salim Al-Hamouri Faculty of Law Private University of Applied Sciences, Jordan
Ms. Nourhan Al-Abd Lecturer, Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, Menoufia University, Egypt “Administrative Measures for the Protection of Watercourses and Rivers in the Middle East and North Africa”.
Ms. Rayan Al-Asimi, Arab East College of Law, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia “Teaching Environmental Law in Saudi Law Schools

Strengthening Judicial Capacity for Climate and Environmental Justice in the MENA Region

This session aims to provide knowledge-sharing opportunities for judges and judicial staff in the MENA region. Key issues to focus on include: what are the current gaps in access to environmental and climate justice in MENA countries, and what are the latest innovations to address these gaps; success stories in national environmental courts, digitization of the judicial process, implementation of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, access to climate and environmental justice, and green growth and responsible investment across the region.

For inquiries and more information

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